I am Professor of Biomechanics at the BEAMS Department, Université Libre de Bruxelles, École polytechnique de Bruxelles, since October 2012.
I am also the founder and President of CAOS - Belgium, Belgian Society for Computer Assisted Orthopaedic Surgery and a guest professor at KULeuven, Leuven, Belgium.
I am working in the field of orthopaedic biomechanics for more than 15 years. During my entire career I am working on several research projects that, applying experimental and computational tools, alone or together, investigate the kinematics and the kinetics of the human knee joint, in healthy, pathological and replaced conditions.The analysis of the musculoskeletal loading in human subjects, the stress distribution in bone and implant, and the study of implant design, together with the simulation of bone remodelling and implant wear, are also additional fields in which I was/am involved.
My academic career is finalized in around 70 scientific papers published in peer-reviewed journals in the field, I am the author of 3 book chapters, moreover, I have made over 150 international conference contributions.
Furthermore, I was been awarded several highly prestigious prizes, such as the ‘Marc Coventry Award’ in 2009, and in 2015 the ‘Richard S. Laskin Award’ in 2011.