In short. Created in Feb 2018 by one person, soon joined by a growing team and followed by +250 PhDs from ULB. Here, we share tips, methods, resources, and experiences. We assess gaps in competence among our PhDs and invite experts to train members of our community, so we can become better researchers.
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why create this initiative?

we were looking for… but couldn’t find

a place to openly discuss science production methods
a community for PhDs where we can share our collective experiences (the good and the bad)
a centralized place of resources for PhDs, both curated and on-demand
a place to become better PhDs, achieving more while experiencing less friction in the process


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Yves Bettignies
Ecole Polytechnique
is wrapping up his PhD on Urban energy use predictors at the École Polytechnique de Bruxelles
Haingo Rabarijaona
Ecole Polytechnique
is doing her PhD in the design and management of medical radioisotopes supply chain at Ecole Polytechnique de Bruxelles.
Jennifer Gonissen
is writing the manuscript of her PhD in the Faculty of Medicine on anatomical history
Marie Joe Kfoury
Psychology and Education
is doing research on language acquisition in the context of deafness and second language learning as a MSCA fellow (H2020)
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Anousheh Alamir
Solvay, Economics and Management
is doing her PhD on the effects of natural disasters and armed conflicts on various socioeconomic outcomes.
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Elodie Sabatier
Psychology and Education
works on the acquisition of spelling in deaf and hard of hearing children in the framework of the European project Comm4CHILD
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Laure Tisseyre
Philosophy and Social Sciences
is writing her thesis on the teaching of religion in French-speaking Belgium, between the sciences of relations and secularism (CIERL) and the sciences of education (CRSE)
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Morgane de Toeuf
(to come)
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Sabine Schmitz
Letters, Translation and Comm.
works on the relationship between errors found in students' translations into German, as a foreign language, experienced difficulties and their solution strategies

our contributors

Dr Honoré Emmanuelle
Archaeology Dept. — University of Cambridge
Dr Honoré Emmanuelle Archaeology Dept. — University of Cambridge
Prof Marc Geers
Mechanical Engineering — Eindhoven University of Technology
Prof Marc Geers Mechanical Engineering — Eindhoven University of Technology
Martin Schneider 
AI Scientist — MIT
Martin Schneider AI Scientist — MIT
Mathias Schroijen
Doctoral Training Unit — ULB
Mathias Schroijen Doctoral Training Unit — ULB
Françoise Vandooren
Libraries and Scientific Information — ULB
Françoise Vandooren Libraries and Scientific Information — ULB
Prof Peter Berke
Computational Mechanics — ULB
Prof Peter Berke Computational Mechanics — ULB
Prof Pierre Lambert
Soft Robotics — ULB
Prof Pierre Lambert Soft Robotics — ULB
Prof Axelle Calcus
Center for Research in Cognition & Neurosciences — ULB
Prof Axelle Calcus Center for Research in Cognition & Neurosciences — ULB
Dr Dorothé Baillet
Education Science — ULB
Dr Dorothé Baillet Education Science — ULB
Prof. Olivier Klein
of Social Psychology - ULB
Prof. Olivier Klein of Social Psychology - ULB
Valérie Durieux
Libraries and Scientific Information — ULB
Valérie Durieux Libraries and Scientific Information — ULB
Dr Matvey Morozov
Nonlinear Physical Chemistry Unit – ULB
Dr Matvey Morozov Nonlinear Physical Chemistry Unit – ULB
Juilia Eberlen
research logistician - ULB
Juilia Eberlen research logistician - ULB
François Fredéric
Libraries and Scientific Information — ULB
François Fredéric Libraries and Scientific Information — ULB
Dr Simon Jansen
Institute of Evolutionary Biology and Ecology — ULB
Dr Simon Jansen Institute of Evolutionary Biology and Ecology — ULB
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